Sunday, February 7, 2016

A New Creature of Light

Why would Alma say we need to become new "creatures?" Why would He use that phrase instead of saying that we must all become new "people?" 
(Jan 29, 2015)

February 4, 2016
I wonder if new creatures is a reminder of who is behind this change. Becoming a new person might be attainable through will power and personal discipline. By definition, a creature must be created by some power outside itself. So my attempt to become a new creature, born again, does not depend on my effort alone. It will be the result of my surrendering the old creature to God so that He can create a new creature of me.

I believe that I must not just be born again, but I must be born again and again and again. I must not only become a new creature once, but over and over. Each time the Lord re-creates me, I should be a better creature than the one I was before.

I love the way Alma describes the change in him. He went from the darkest abyss, depression, and despair to light, joy, relief and peace. I know this feeling. I have felt it many times. Each time the dark abyss is replaced by the marvelous light of God, I too am reborn and become a new creature. There is a level of depth and certitude that wasn't there before. 

I think life is a process of walking through the dark and then seeing the light. Physically we go through these cycles. Night, day, night, day. Sometimes nights are longer, sometimes days are hazier. I think the longer we allow ourselves to be converted through this process, the more we are able to take the light of summer with us through the winter. We must become creatures more capable of producing light because our circumstances will bring light or darkness outside of our control. 

God wants us to become independent of our circumstances. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, He did not draw light from the world, but produced it. Because His light source was internal, even a stormy sea could not remove His peace. He slept calmly as His disciples frantically trembled. He walked on the water His disciples fought all night against. He stayed true to His purpose and His Father through the long night of the Atonement. He walked through darkness so that He could be a light to others. 

Light, like peace, must have its source in our hearts. Without the internal light no amount of external sunlight will be able to truly warm us and give us sight. With the internal light, no amount of external darkness can dim us. After writing about this this morning, I went to church and we sang "There is Sunshine in my Soul Today." I was amazed at how the words related. 

There is sunshine in my soul today
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky
For Jesus is my light.

Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine
When the peaceful happy moments roll.
When Jesus shows his smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

Teaching Moment: View a sunrise or sunset together. Discuss the pattern of day and night as a pattern for light. Discuss the difference between external light and internal light. One shines on us, one shines in us. Explain that with Christ, we can walk in the light even when external light disappears and we are surrounded by darkness. Without Christ, even sunlight isn't enough.

Possible concepts to teach: trials, conversion, testimony, faith, hope, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, growth, born again, baptism

Possible Scriptures:
Mosiah 27:24-29
3 Nephi 1:13-15
Alma 19:6
D&C 93:2

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